mercoledì 24 settembre 2014

Perchè frequento solo sim straniere...

Alcuni mi chiedono perchè giro solo sim straniere, invece che passare più tempo con i miei connazionali..
Perchè amate così tanto lo spam e le gesture???
Non si riesce a stare 10 minuti in una sim italiana senza dover mettere in muto almeno 3 persone!!

Poi, dopo 2 parole, subito "Qui c'è lag, andiamo altrove?". No, non è vero! Non c'è lag! Sto bene qui!

Imparate l'inglese, accidenti! Siamo nel 2014, il paese sta andando alla malora e c'è ancora gente che quasi si vanta di non parlare inglese. I più poi usano quei fantastici traduttori...
Beh ho una brutta notizia per voi: voi pensate di stare dicendo "Ciao bellissima, come sei sensuale, ti va di farmi compagnia?" e, di solito, il traduttore dice qualcosa tipo "Saluti di bell'aspetto, di che tipo di sensazione, desideri tenere un componente?"

E non vi aggiungo agli amici perchè, stranamente, mi contattate 10 secondi prima di staccare!

In più nelle sim italiane stressano con la storia dell'altezza molto più che in quelle straniere. Mi spiace, ma non ho complessi di inferiorità, quindi non mi serve un avatar alto 2 metri.

Infine non verrò a letto con voi in RL.

martedì 23 settembre 2014

Me, myself and not you!

I know,
I sound like a bitch.
Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not.
I mute a lot of people, and rarely give a second chance...

But...well...a lot of people don't know how to use complete phrases

"Your hot. wanna fun?"

others say incredibly stupid things

"I need to cum. Can you help?"

others wear facelights and bling bling shoes

Why shouldn't I mute them? I'm not banning them from the game, only from my SL.
I'm not that important, no?

Sometimes I mute avatars because they're boring (girls just wanna have fun), uninteresting, rude or because they make me feel bad.
Or...sometimes...even because I feel them too close and I prefer to be free.
SL is a game to me, a sexy secret garden. I have my rl and my rl relationship.

But they want skype or they stop chatting to you
They want "more revealing pics"
They want voice
I don't do voice. I don't even listen what other say.
Some think that no voice = man.
Go on thinking like that and less dorks will harass me.
Not all girls are comfortable in talking to strangers.
Not all girls  like their voice.
Not all girls wants to moan during sl sex
Not all girls are as good at speaking english as they are writing in it.
I don't voice. If you think I'm a man, just mute and derender me.

And even if you voice, they say you're a man using a voice changer.
If you cam they say you're streaming a video

I've been banned from "Girltown Sisterhood" because I was in a couple of futa/shemale groups.
Linda Latte used this motivation (the same in their notecard):
[2014/03/15 10:39]  Linda Latte: Girltown Note:

 I'm sorry, but you are either a man or a woman who likes to cavort and hang out with male deviates, OR you are a woman who does not read Group Charters. Which is it?? Our robot reports that you have affiliated yourself with a group that welcomes shemales, male deviates, and other such perverts. :( This violates our Group Charter and you pose a RISK to OUR group members. :( It's possible you could "friend" one of these deviate men, or even "partner" him, and invite him to Girltown thinking him a girl. It has happened and has hurt girls here.

 Here are Gtoup Charter words to look for: "shemale, herms, LGBT, transgender, futa, t-girls, sissy boy," and others that should be obvious.

 If you truly choose to align yourself with these deviates, it's fine, and your choice. Please find a home with them then, OK? If you leave the group, plz IM or notecard me, huh? I will contact our robot and tell her you are not a man, OK? :)

 Thank you!

 Linda Latte, Girltown House Mom

"She" could have said "Sorry but we are professional wankers and we don't want to find out we wanked on a 3 legged girl. Farewell!"

I posted a couple of pics of rl me in front of the pc playing sl. A dork managed to say "You photoshopped a printscreen of sl on the monitor in the pic. Let's not argue about obvious"
Oh my god, guys, I won't say "get a life!" because you're not even good at getting a second life!

lunedì 22 settembre 2014

So hateful

  • I hate discos in SL: they are the spammers paradise.
DJs and ppl spend the time spamming gestures and parking av waiting for xploders. Come on, it's a text based game...we could chat even listening to music and dancing! Stop spamming! Otherwise I'll mute you :P
I don't dance. Thanks for inviting me, but I don't like it!
Sometimes people just drain energy from you, even if they are basically nice.

[06:20] cayla Jupiter: i've got to run my puppy out..or else clean carpets if you would like to dance later..let me know
[06:20] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I hate dancing (it's in my profile too :P ) but we can chat. see you!
[06:26] cayla Jupiter: i love dancing..but okay....
[06:27] cayla Jupiter: bye
[06:27] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): bye!
[06:27] cayla Jupiter: lol
[06:28] cayla Jupiter: and you realize the avi's do the dancing while we do the chatting
[06:28] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): so?
[06:28] cayla Jupiter: just pointing it out....
[06:29] cayla Jupiter: not sure how i rubbed your the wrong way....
[06:29] cayla Jupiter: maybe you like "come here and kneel bitch"
[06:30] cayla Jupiter: maybe
[06:33] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): you know, when I meet someone who likes dancing in SL they usually can't believe I don't, so they start telling me a lot of silly and useless stuff to convince me SL dancing is fun. No need to. It's boring. I don't like it. So why bother? Some even tell me "with me it will be different". no, it's not. And I know the avatars dance and the humans chat, that's why there's no need to dance when we are chatting.
[06:33] cayla Jupiter: so what do you like to do?
[06:34] cayla Jupiter: as an alternative to the RL isntilled ritual in SL of dancing?
[06:34] cayla Jupiter: go to a movie?

  • Your cam, your mic.

I don't want to see you, hear you, see how you're touching it, hear how much you're horny
I was having sex with a guy. Asked me to voice, I said no. He was ok, with it. The fun went on and then he said "I wish you could hear how much horny you're making me". I said no again. After few mins "I'm almost there, I wish you could hear me cumming". I left and muted him.
How to kill mood very quickly.

  • Ppl IMing me to complain about my profile. It's not a democracy!

If you don't like it, don't IM me. There are a lot of ppl with the right profile for you (usually saying "slut to be used")

  • People saying "Now ask me something"
If I don't ask you anything it's because I like your questions or I'm not interested in knowing you.

  • Ppl who are alone on a couple poseball and invite you to click on the other one
I usually tell them "I don't want to upset the ghost you're fucking with"

  • The "Are you lagging too? Why don't we go somewhere else" line
I never lag. Find another way to talk me into coming home with you

  • Imposed rp
I don't like rp much. I usually emote but I seldom play a role. But I really hate those who start saying things like "Watches on the other side of the street and sees his wife's younger sister"
or the telepatic ones "Sees a cute redhead and wonders why she's here". I usually answer "Doesn't have superpowers so ignores what you're wondering"

  • Others send me a long RP line and, when I answer out of RP, they go on like tanks.

  • "If you don't have time we could do a quickie"

I have an idea: I could mute you even quicker

  • "lol" used everywhere.
What are you laughing for, dork?? Once in a while it could be ok, but ending all the sentences with LOL it's good for cackling mad cat ladies and hyenas

  • They say "Hi" and, after i "hi" them back, they stop chatting.
Why do you contact me if you don't have anything to say?.

  • "May I add you so we can chat later?"
They add me and never contact me again

  • Compliments.
All girls like compliments but after 3 lines of them I grow bored. Let conversation evolve!

  • "IM me"
Why people tell you "IM me"? Don't you know how to send an IM yourself?

  • Well don't want to interrupt you

 You're kind asking if you're bothering me, but once is enough! Stop go on saying "I won't disturb you further"! Talk to me!After saying that 2 or 3 times you'll start bothering me for real

  • RP... rp everywhere! It's coming from the damn walls!

[2015/04/28 23:52] Jim Rockford (jimrockford) ogles Sera's gorgeous legs
[2015/04/28 23:52] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): :)
[2015/04/28 23:53] Jim Rockford (jimrockford) wonders what you are doing?
[2015/04/28 23:53] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb) doesn't read minds so doesn't know what you're wondering
[2015/04/28 23:55] Jim Rockford (jimrockford): I meant you are floating around like that but you can see from the bulge in the front of my trousers what I was thinking

You can talk to me without using /me if it's not necessary. There's no need to talk in 3rd person


Maybe you don't know what a furry is but you've surely seen one: humanoid animals, dressed like humans.
They're usually polite and nice to other people.

I may like demons, werewolves, minotaurs, fauns etc...but "cute" furries aren't really my cup of tea.

The good doms

There are masters and mistresses who read my profile and contact me to tell me that they are different from other doms.
They love, care, pamper their submissives and they never dump them because they deeply love them.
They are like the others.
The only difference is that they kill you with boredom explaining how better they are then the others before dumping you like the others.

Some examples

[2012/11/13 07:15] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): me too. and usually masters are men who cannot seduce women and look for tamed ones. mistresses are often masters with a female av. some of them are probably true women, I don't really care.  All of them dump you after a couple of weeks.
[2012/11/13 07:16] Belldandy Watanabe: I would take exception to the dumping statement.  I never dump any girl who has come to me.  In fact I wait 30 days before I accept them.
[2012/11/13 07:18] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): well at least someone is lucky in sl
[2012/11/13 07:19] Belldandy Watanabe: Oh I am more than lucky.  I have been blessed with some of the most understanding and adorable girls.  I simply do not understand why I have been so gifted but I humbly accept their gift of submission.

Wow! What an enlightned mistress! How caring! How loving!
And then...

[2012/11/19 08:48] Belldandy Watanabe: You are imprinted now.  Deal with it...laughs
[2012/11/19 08:48] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): lol
[2012/11/19 08:48] Belldandy Watanabe: See you again soon
[2012/11/19 08:49] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): bye ^_^

The sweetness of the caring miss knows no limits...but then...

[2012/12/05 02:58] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): you erased me. thank you.
[2012/12/11 01:32] Belldandy Watanabe: (Saved Mon Dec 10 21:15:10 2012)You have been ejected from 'Belldandy's girl' by Belldandy Watanabe.
[2012/12/11 01:35] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): lol

Another great, different, mistress:

[2012/12/05 02:56]  Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): no: they boast how good, dominant, strict they are, they make you all horny, use you and then stop looking for you
[2012/12/05 02:56]  Lotus Popstar: i am aware of how musch a gesture it is to me to have a pet
[2012/12/05 02:56]  Lotus Popstar: yeah
[2012/12/05 02:56]  Lotus Popstar: i am not like that
[2012/12/05 02:57]  Lotus Popstar: and if i gets a new pet i allways has a test period
[2012/12/05 02:57]  Lotus Popstar: and i allways uses a safeword
[2012/12/05 02:57]  Lotus Popstar: allways
[2012/12/05 02:57]  Lotus Popstar: so i am a diff mistress.. that has a heart in anything i do
[2012/12/05 02:58]  Lotus Popstar: enough of m babble :)
[2012/12/05 03:01]  Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): forgive me for what I'm going to say: every master/ss I met said the same. One even went on a long talk about gentle kind of mistresses, how they love their girls etc etc...I just realized she deleted me from friends so I won't let anyone own me for more than single adventures
[2012/12/05 03:01]  Lotus Popstar: well like i said :) i am diff
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Lotus Popstar: and i am not searching for a new :)
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Lotus Popstar: i have 2 pets
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Lotus Popstar: that is enough for me
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): you don't need to say it every 2 words :P
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Lotus Popstar: and both tells me the best place to be is at the end of my leash :)
[2012/12/05 03:02]  Lotus Popstar: well :) i've seen the crappy mistreses
[2012/12/05 03:03]  Lotus Popstar: why u think i don't have an owner though i am a switch ?
[2012/12/05 03:03]  Lotus Popstar: cuz i willnever find a mistress like me that actually cares :)
[2012/12/05 03:03]  Lotus Popstar: so i agve up
[2012/12/05 03:03]  Lotus Popstar: gave*

Wow! I'm so lucky: she's diff, she's diff, she's diff...

[2012/12/06 04:56] Lotus Popstar: u can join me.. if u likes.. the view here is amazing
[2012/12/06 04:57] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): tnx a lot but it's past lunchtime...I have to cook something
[2012/12/06 04:57] Lotus Popstar: okat :)
[2012/12/06 04:58] Lotus Popstar: tc anyway
[2012/12/06 04:58] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): you too and tnx for the lovely bath!
[2012/12/06 04:59] Lotus Popstar: :) my pleasure
[2012/12/06 04:59] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): :*

but then...

[2012/12/06 05:00] Lotus Popstar: I can not thrive on people who are judgmental. Sorry
[2012/12/06 05:02] Caprice Pav (parvati.silverweb): ah you deleted me?
[2012/12/06 05:03] Lotus Popstar: yes i am sorry. I wish u the best