sabato 12 giugno 2021


Doms (dominants) are men and women who like to dominate, mainly sexually but not only, other people.
Second Life has got many options and animations to help players to enjoy the role of dom or slave

But, of course, fantasy is the best tool to enjoy SL action, and people try to fulfill their role.
That's why doms try to act like a bunch of kids shouting "SHE'S MINE!" in capital letters.
I wear collars, because they're fun and cool.
Do I have a master?
No: masters are usually dorks (expecially goreans) and mistresses are usually masters with a female avatar or even real women, but they act like masters.
They talk a lot about how they're better than other doms, the act as self confident bulls and make you feel sure that once you're theirs, you'd be special for them "forever".

After few times they stop contacting you.

Older doms can be better than young ones, but they often end up sulking like kids because you're not devoted enough (maybe that's due to viagra's cost)

Slaves often show sad lines in their profiles like "Loving slave of master HardcockDomtheBest, who collared this slut 17 mins ago. I'll be his forever."

Some quotes

[14:27] Second Life: Incoming message from Snakebite69 Resident
[14:27] Snakebite69: points at  you come here
[14:27] Snakebite69: and dont make me tell you agin
[14:28] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb) yawns
[14:28] Snakebite69: if i had you at my castle  you woukldnt be yawning
[14:29] Snakebite69: i know all about you secraetarytypes
[14:29] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I see
[14:30] Snakebite69: i had would have yo begging for this cock
[14:30] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): yes yes
[14:33] Snakebite69: your trying my patience
[14:33] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): and then? are you going to cry?
[14:34] Snakebite69: you need some serious training
[14:35] Snakebite69: you would be so smart mouth in  my cage getting gang banged by complete strangers
[14:35] Snakebite69: wouldnt
[14:37] Snakebite69: would turn you into Snake worshipping cock slut  dont rest me  but tahn again your all talk but im all action
[14:37] Snakebite69: test`
[14:37] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): wow a lot of things happen in your imagination
[14:38] Snakebite69: your to chicken shit to come with mne
[14:38] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): yes you're right. you win!
[14:39] Snakebite69: i knew it  pffft a dime a dozen to it comes time to putup or shut up
[14:40] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): wow, what a real man xD
[14:40] Snakebite69: and your right i would win
[14:40] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): how old are you, 12?
[14:41] Snakebite69: play accting you can hang with me laters
[14:41] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): you're so funny! go on!
[14:41] Snakebite69: was just playing smiles
[14:42] Snakebite69: im at my castle now btw
[14:42] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I'm glad.
[14:42] Snakebite69: i thought it was fun didnt you ?
[14:43] Snakebite69: have fun  no offence was just playing with you
[14:43] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): yeah, bye
[14:43] Snakebite69: bye
[14:44] Snakebite69: some dude most have really done a number on you i pity you
[14:45] Snakebite69: unless your a lebian  than i can understand your man hating
[14:45] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I don't hate men, only dorks xD
[14:46] Snakebite69: ou wouldnt know fun if it bit you in the ass
[14:46] Snakebite69: so back to jumping and slumming in a porn studio
[14:47] Snakebite69: theatre oops
[14:47] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I'm going to put you in my blog as an example. Thank you for providing so much evidence!
[21:48] Victor Stillwater walks up quietly and reaches forward, taking your glasses smoothly off your face as he looks down. "better"
[21:48] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): hey I quite like them! :P
[21:48] Victor Stillwater: they hide your eyes..  and I didn't ask if you liked them.
[21:50] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): aaah sorry, I'll just keep them without explanation then.
[21:51] Victor Stillwater gives a slight, sarcastic bow and turns

and his profile

"Sadist.  Your suffering and sacrifice pleases me.
I'm not going to own you and play daddy.  The best you can expect is to be toyed with if you seem worth the time.  If you're looking for cuddles, look elsewhere. 
I'm very direct, have a talent for RP, and have a taste for giving RL instruction.  After all...pain, imagined, is still only imaginary pain. 
Make sense when you talk to me and drop all the pretense.  Approach with caution.
Strictly  Hetero."

oh come on boy, you're on SL begging for pussy like the others, hiding behind a 50 shades parody and then chicken out when confronted xD
[09:08] Edan Magnifico: Let me know when you are available, would you? I would love to see you in person.
[09:08] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): tp me
[09:08] Edan Magnifico: tp you?
[09:09] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): teleport me to your location!! :D
[09:09] Edan Magnifico: and I thought you were a sweet, polite girl... you do not use "please" in italy, love?

Doms and their annoying bullshits. He asked to see me but when I told him to tp me, dominant dorkness took control!

"I am not nice. I am not Prince CHarming, I am the prince of DemonDoms. Some may say Incredibly Cruel. You will submit to me."

[12:34] The BEAST (rocky.bigbear): you will give your ass to The Beast
[12:35] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha ahahhahahahahahahhahaha


[23:13] Sir Aulder: will you suck me...for 50L
[23:13] Sir Aulder: smiles...
[23:14] Cherubim (parvati.silverweb): no
[23:15] Sir Aulder: when I will whip will say yess! laughs
[23:16] Cherubim (parvati.silverweb): ahah
[23:17] Second Life: Incoming message from Sir Aulder
[23:18] Sir Aulder: is best if you follow I am mad with you
[23:18] Sir Aulder: lil cunt
[23:18] Cherubim (parvati.silverweb): sure, go on, I will join you shortly
[23:19] Sir Aulder: yes...I have a few things to do..first
[23:19] Cherubim (parvati.silverweb): don't let me detain you 


[21:46] Mirage (parvati.silverweb): years ago with my ex. I'm mostly sub in sex, not all the time
[21:46] gunlugger Resident: ok
[21:46] gunlugger Resident: i am super dominant, and i need total control
[21:46] Mirage (parvati.silverweb): I see
[21:48] gunlugger Resident: in rl, put a pair of panties on your head
[21:49] Mirage (parvati.silverweb): ahah no
[21:50] gunlugger Resident: i thought you were submissive
[21:51] Mirage (parvati.silverweb): yeah ok, nevermind. have a nice evening
[21:52] gunlugger: take off your shirt