- I hate discos in SL: they are the spammers paradise.
I don't dance. Thanks for inviting me, but I don't like it!
Sometimes people just drain energy from you, even if they are basically nice.
[06:20] cayla Jupiter: i've got to run my puppy out..or else clean carpets later....so if you would like to dance later..let me know
[06:20] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): I hate dancing (it's in my profile too :P ) but we can chat. see you!
[06:26] cayla Jupiter: i love dancing..but okay....
[06:27] cayla Jupiter: bye
[06:27] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): bye!
[06:27] cayla Jupiter: lol
[06:28] cayla Jupiter: and you realize the avi's do the dancing while we do the chatting
[06:28] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): so?
[06:28] cayla Jupiter: just pointing it out....
[06:29] cayla Jupiter: not sure how i rubbed your the wrong way....
[06:29] cayla Jupiter: maybe you like "come here and kneel bitch"
[06:30] cayla Jupiter: maybe not...lol
[06:33] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): you know, when I meet someone who likes dancing in SL they usually can't believe I don't, so they start telling me a lot of silly and useless stuff to convince me SL dancing is fun. No need to. It's boring. I don't like it. So why bother? Some even tell me "with me it will be different". no, it's not. And I know the avatars dance and the humans chat, that's why there's no need to dance when we are chatting.
[06:33] cayla Jupiter: so what do you like to do?
[06:34] cayla Jupiter: as an alternative to the RL isntilled ritual in SL of dancing?
[06:34] cayla Jupiter: go to a movie?
- Your cam, your mic.
I don't want to see you, hear you, see how you're touching it, hear how much you're horny
I was having sex with a guy. Asked me to voice, I said no. He was ok, with it. The fun went on and then he said "I wish you could hear how much horny you're making me". I said no again. After few mins "I'm almost there, I wish you could hear me cumming". I left and muted him.
How to kill mood very quickly.
- Ppl IMing me to complain about my profile. It's not a democracy!
If you don't like it, don't IM me. There are a lot of ppl with the right profile for you (usually saying "slut to be used")
- People saying "Now ask me something"
- Ppl who are alone on a couple poseball and invite you to click on the other one
- The "Are you lagging too? Why don't we go somewhere else" line
- Imposed rp
or the telepatic ones "Sees a cute redhead and wonders why she's here". I usually answer "Doesn't have superpowers so ignores what you're wondering"
- Others send me a long RP line and, when I answer out of RP, they go on like tanks.
- "If you don't have time we could do a quickie"
I have an idea: I could mute you even quicker
- "lol" used everywhere.
- They say "Hi" and, after i "hi" them back, they stop chatting.
- "May I add you so we can chat later?"
- Compliments.
- "IM me"
- Well don't want to interrupt you
You're kind asking if you're bothering me, but once is enough! Stop go on saying "I won't disturb you further"! Talk to me!After saying that 2 or 3 times you'll start bothering me for real
- RP... rp everywhere! It's coming from the damn walls!
[2015/04/28 23:52] Jim Rockford (jimrockford) ogles Sera's gorgeous legs
[2015/04/28 23:52] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb): :)
[2015/04/28 23:53] Jim Rockford (jimrockford) wonders what you are doing?
[2015/04/28 23:53] Seraphim (parvati.silverweb) doesn't read minds so doesn't know what you're wondering
[2015/04/28 23:55] Jim Rockford (jimrockford): I meant you are floating around like that but you can see from the bulge in the front of my trousers what I was thinking
You can talk to me without using /me if it's not necessary. There's no need to talk in 3rd person
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